Thursday, January 30, 2014

"Thou shalt not bear false witness."

His Holiness Rand Paul who is suddenly the moral voice for America has been busy dredging up old scandals in order to vilify the Democrats and minimize the Republican war on women. To achieve this he has gone back 15 years to tell us how outraged he still is  that President Clinton took advantage of 20-year-old intern Monica Lewinsky. First of all she wasn't twenty, she was 25. And secondly she was a designing woman who knew exactly what, and who, she was doing. But even if Randal hadn't lied about her age, is Paul the Pure saying that a woman of 20 isn't mature enough to know her own mind? If so, it's another example of Republicans having zero respect for the intelligence of women. Later he extended his moral outrage by saying that Clinton was a serial philanderer. If so, it's none of his f****** business. Plus it's frightening to realize that an elected official feels that he should dictate morality based on his personal religion.  What this country does not need is another Jerry Falwell. What this country does not need are Taliban-type dictates from  Rand Paul and all the other genophobics and misogynists in the Republican party.

Genophobia is the physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse. The word comes from the Greek terms genos, meaning “offspring,” and phobos, meaning “fear.” Genophobia can also be called coitophobia.

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