Thursday, January 2, 2014

It comes a blottle. It should come in a crock.

I did a really stupid thing today. I spent more than $8.00 for a small bottle of Robitussin. The stupid part was I  know, and have always known, that no cough medicine actually works. But I had such a miserable cough, I was willing to suspend what I knew and spend the money for a liquid as useless as lemonade in stopping this cough. I took their recommended dosage and hour ago and it didn't make a bit of difference. Cough remedies is probably the biggest fraud in America. None of them work. And if anyone says they do, they were fortunate enough to experience the placebo effect. Cepacol doesn't relieve a sore throat, nor does any other product that says it does, and most of them taste terrible.

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