Sunday, January 19, 2014

Look familiar?

For some reason Hollywood keeps making the same movie and giving it a different name. They endow it with their biggest budgets, best stars, worst writers, most "fucks" and most lavish special effects. It usually takes place in the near future on a barren earth or on a planet not far away (more often than not L.A. in the not-too-distant future).  The inhabitants are either dirt poor  or obscenely wealthy. The poor people are always noble, except for the one criminal and every amoral member of his gang.  With few exceptions this film is always remote, cold, and boring. And with very few exceptions, I always give it a shot and shovel out too much money to Comcast only to end up watching about twenty minutes. The latest of these non-movies is Elysium (they usually have one-word titles). The star is Matt Damon looking incredible buff and putting far more star power into this film than it deserves. The other star is Jody Foster, looking older but still impressive in her thankless role as, well, I don't know what. But don't bother see it. You've seen it before with a different title, maybe starring Tom Cruise.

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