Monday, January 27, 2014


I don't pretend to know what's good or not in the world of fashion, but I know what I find funny. For instance I find the pretentious Ralph Lauren commercials on PBS before Downton Abbey hilarious. Beautiful women wearing clothing you never see in the real world and this officious boob making a stuffy elitist speech suggesting that what he does is important. He's deadly serious which makes it all the more comical. Now I see the new uniforms for the Olympics opening ceremony in Socho. Okay, I'm not into sports, but really are these the image of American pride? Do these say Team USA or just possibly Peruvian Indian chic? Did they really need to hire a costly, world-famous couturier to create this patchwork quilt? The Olympiads have been warned not to wear these uniforms outside of the Village. Is the real danger that they'll receive too much ridicule.

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