Sunday, December 29, 2019


You are an incredibly gullible Trumpist if you believe for a moment, for a single second, that he is religious. Trump only began to claim religion when he needed the vote of the Evangelicals. Before then he was a Democrat, an atheist, pro-choice and everything else Evangelicals aren't. The truth is that he considers you a necessary evil. He thinks you're stupid, superstitious, and easily hoodwinked. He is amazed that you so adore him, when he wouldn't want to spend ten minutes in your company, He only goes to church occasionally to keep you quiet. He hates every minute, is bored to death, doesn't buy any of what he considers bullshit about Jesus. As far as abortion goes, he'll only be against it as long as he needs your vote, otherwise he couldn't care less how many babies are killed any more than he cared how many children, who were separated from their parents, died. The next time you see Trump, wise up. This guy thinks you are dirt under his feet. He has no use for you, no use for Christ, no use for anything that doesn't benefit him. And your vote benefits him. Other than that you're worthless. 

Note the photo above shows a vote-getting action Trump only performs in public with cameras recording his fakery. He rarely goes to church and never prays in private because he is an atheist

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