Friday, December 27, 2019


If you're a Republican in Congress, consider this. If you continue to be a Trump supporter and take your marching orders from Mitch McConnell, you will go down in history as an unAmerican marionette, who ignored his oath of office and betrayed the laws of his country. And you will carry that stench with you long after the traitorous terrapin McConnell is out of office and Trump is in prison and the subject of dozens of books revealing all the other crimes you willingly let him get away with. On the other hand, if you fight for a fair impeachment trail and vote your conscience not your party's lockstep command, you are certain to see the truths your party wants you to ignore, and history will recognize your morality and patriotism. The choice is yours. How do you want your nation and your children to remember you? As an American patriot? Or a cowardly lemming?

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