Monday, December 16, 2019


New Jersey dentist and representative Jeff Van Drew, who must be brain damaged from mercury poisoning, is switching from Democrat to Republican and hilariously convinced he's making the right move.  It will be great a year or two from now to see him ridiculed for skipping merrily to the wrong side of history and defending one the greatest evils to ever infect America. Though Drew obviously has no morals or standards, his aides do and have left en masse after hearing about his defection. What is wrong with these people who are absolutely blind to Trump's corruption, and who are willing to stake their political careers on a charlatan who wouldn't lift a finger for them. Oh, well. Drew has shown he has no ability to recognize fraud and bribery, maybe he'd be better off to just stick with cavities and crowns.

1 comment:

  1. He's obviously looking for attention. Needy is the word.
