Sunday, December 8, 2019


Just watched, against my better judgement, the latest SNL skit about Trump in the cafeteria during NATO. SNL is worst than bad, it's embarrassing. These skits bear no relation to reality. The characters are totally unrecognizable and as far removed from quality imitation as possible. Baldwin's take on Trump is unacceptable and always was. Putting a Trump-like wig on your head does not a mimicry make. This skit like most others is weak and ill-conceived and is not helped by the excessive laughter of a programmed audience. When characters look and behave nothing like the actual persons, it is not satire. It is a completely unrelated and unsuccessful attempt at humor. There is no explaining the success of these third-rate skits unless they were possibly funny years ago, which I doubt. If the members of SNL want to see how it's done they should watch hours of British skit comedy like The Big Train, French and Saunders, Monty Python, and The Fast Show. I suspect that true fans of SNL have never seen these shows. If they had, they wouldn't be satisfied with the paltry offerings from SNL.

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