Monday, December 23, 2019

Being an atheist, I am astounded at how gullible evangelicals can be. And I am not referring to the Bible. There's no harm in believing in the gospels and following the teachings of Christ, though many evangelicals do not do either. There is harm, great harm, in giving Donald Trump a pass on all his sins. There is harm in handing over your hard-earned money to charlatans like Billie Graham, Franklin Graham, Jerry Falwell before he died, and now Jerry Falwell, Jr. who will only take the money you set aside for Christ and spend it on his horny wife and the pool boy. Why are evangelicals so moralistic about non-Christians and so forgiving of indulging, spoiled millionaire religious "leaders" who spend their followers' donations on expensive cars, princely homes, jet planes,  designer clothes and —yes— costly hustlers or hookers. If you're an evangelical who really believes in heaven, you're going to have a lot of explaining to do if you get there.

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