Wednesday, December 18, 2019


I wonder who helped Trump with this wacko letter.  While it has all the whining, projection and illogical that are hallmarks of Trump, it also has words he could never use and conclusions he could never reach on his own. For instance, I doubt if someone as ignorant as Trump knows anything about the Salem Witch Trials. Although even that bit of vitriol was incorrect. The letter is rich in lies (another Trump hallmark) and accusations. The nice part is that the tone is so desperate, so frightened, so aware of his predicament. It must have killed him to put Pelosi's title on the letterhead when he's so angry and vindictive. So who helped him? Kellyanne? Being a witch herself and so steeped in alternate facts that seems likely. Or was it Nosferatu (Miller)? He seems like an excellent source of endless acidity. Or maybe one of the Katzenjammer kids helped him write it. I can see Gaetz and Jordan giggling with every new paragraph. Truly hilarious is that Trump has declared that the letter is admired and complimented. What more proof do you need that Donald J. Trump is completely unhinged?

1 comment:

  1. I see we came up with the same headline, LOL. Great minds think alike!
