Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sharing the unearned wealth.

Thanks to the Republicans a federal program that provided extended unemployment benefits to 1.3 million Americans who lost their jobs during the recession expires today. This is another sadistic act by the GOP who insist that these jobless persons are parasites, living the high life on the pittance they receive to keep their lives together. And who are these Republicans? They are the freeloaders who rake in huge salaries for working about 25 hours a week and accomplishing very little. I realize that these people are heartless shits, but I often wonder about their families. When they come home early after another sweat-free day, or arrive in the luxury family car eager for their fifth family vacation of the year, do their wives(or husbands) and children ever look at them and think, "You bastard. You just made the lives of millions of good people intolerable because you have no compassion or empathy." Or do these family members just greedily lap up all the money and perks just like their callous government-paid parent or spouse?

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