Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Societal parasite infects brilliant newsman.

I am very disappointed to hear that Martin Bashir has resigned from MSNBC. This resignation obviously followed weeks of controversy over his comments about Sarah Palin.  So basically we are losing a brilliant commentator because he made an insulting, and deserved, remark about an insignificant Alaska birdbrain. Bashir, who has been a host on the network since 2011 suggested that someone should defecate and urinate in Sarah Palin's mouth. He has since apologized for these remarks. I can't imagine why, since they are completely deserved, although illogical since Palin's mouth is so full of shit there would not be any room for any And that's been true since we were unlucky enough to have her unleashed on us by that moron McCain. Since then the lazy news news media have been quick to grab hold of this headline-vomiting harpie, quote every insignificant thing she said, and credit her with every ghost-written speech and book since she could not write a grocery list. One hopes to hear on the news that she was accidentally shot in the head while cleaning her rifle, trampled by a moose, or savagely attacked by a pack of wolves. But sadly, I think we're stuck with this brainless toxic harridan for several more years until she loses her only asset: what little physical attractiveness she has left. In the meantime she will directly or indirectly causes us to lose valuable
newsman like Bashir.

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