Saturday, August 6, 2011


Commercials like this amaze me. It's for something comestible. Miracle Whip. Therefore you would think the advertiser would create a commercial that has taste appeal. But instead they give us something incredibly disgusting. I am sure this hirsute man is attractive to someone, but certainly not to me. And even if he were, I don't want to think about what's inside his mouth or what's in anyone's mouth while they are eating. I don't want to think about a person's tongue, salivary glands and teeth reacting to mayonnaise, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, bread or anything else. What am I missing here? Does t his commercial make someone want to run out and buy Miracle Whip? I can't recall a more repulsive commercial. Hard to believe it's for one of the best-selling mayonnaise brands, or at least the mayonnaise that was a best seller before consumers begin equating it with the revolting inside of this man's mouth. I've been meaning to try Duke's Mayonnaise after seeing their very appetizing commercials. I can't think of a better time to do it.

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