Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why the GOP should GO Gay.

I think it's ironic that so many Republican politicians are fighting against gay marriage and gays in general. They would be so much better off if they embraced the issues. If gays were an accepted and normal part of society, life would be so much easier for GOP politicians in the public eye. Giuliani would no longer have to be embarrassed by his drag photos. Marcus Bachmann would not be the subject of ridicule on every comedy show for being such a fruity therapist attempting to drive the gay demons out of those sinful homosexual barbarians. And if Michele Bachman is a lesbian, she could feel free to start dressing like Sarah Palin in butch leather outfits. Rick Perry would not have to be fearful that those gay rumors will crop up again during his run for presidency. And Karl Rove would not have to live down his obsessive crush on George Bush or his affair with Jeff Gannon, that gay hustler posing as a reporter. Being caught in a men's room or soliciting on Craig's list would no longer be the cause celebre that it is when it involves hypocrites. It would make life so much easier for all these single- or double-gaited pols. Plus—and this is a big plus—they would be invited to all the best parties.

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