Monday, August 29, 2011

Danger! Madwoman on the loose.

The latest mutterances from mad Michele Bachmann is that hurricanes and earthquakes are messages from God. What are the messages? She doesn't make that clear. But she's such a loon they're probably to tell the world that Michele and only Michele can lead us to the Promised Land. Already assuming she will be president, she also said she would approve of drilling for natural gas in the Everglades. So apparently she must believe the God couldn't care less if man—or, in this case, woman— destroys his magnificent river of grass among other earthly wonders disfigured by mining. It's absolutely frightening that a psycho like this evangelical, anti-gay, anti-Muslim, bigot is in the national spotlight when she should be in a Minnesota asylum. She's so brain-dead dense she doesn't even realize that her Benny Hill of a husband—who chooses all her clothes—is gayer than RuPaul. What is happening to America when truly delusional psychopaths like Sarah Palin, Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann are given credibility? Has a large part of our population become so body-snatcher-brainwashed they can't even recognize how abysmally clueless these clowns are? This is no longer funny. These zany zealots are deranged and obsessed. They seriously want to shred any kind of safety net the average American has, and half those Americans are so ignorant they want to help them.

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