Saturday, August 13, 2011

Captured on camera: a Minnesota Loon.

Today, Saturday, August 13, the news media are still bitching and debating about the appropriateness of the question Michele Bachmann was asked at the Thursday night debate. When asked if she would be submissive to her husband, she came up with a song and dance routine that suggested submissive meant respect. Her dictionary must be as bizarre as her history books. It was an annoyingly evasive answer when in the past she admitted that she only became a lawyer in deference to her husband because, naturally, God expects a woman to obey her lord and master. Considering her past idiocy , the question was not improper at all. Americans certainly do not want our first female president (like she has a chance in hell) obeying her husband, and especially taking war advice from the man whom she so proudly proclaims chooses her dresses and has an unfailing fashion taste. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I, personally, am not nearly as bothered by her listening to Mother Marcus as I am knowing she may run this country based on her narrow biblical beliefs, which include a hatred of gays (with one exception) and, I suspect, any person belonging to a religious belief, not hers. The Newsweek cover shown here has been much criticized, but you have to admire any photographer who can capture a woman's demented soul.

Note: Today, August 14, David Gregory tried in vain to get Bachmann to answer questions about her religion, her intolerance of gays, her obedience to her husband. The woman is so obviously a bigot and airhead, it is is frightening to think that she could have gotten this far. It will be fascinating to see how far she does and just exactly what will trip her up in the end. Surprisingly she had never addressed the many suggestions that her husband is a closeted gay, including Conan O'Brien's comment this week, in referring to the Newsweek "Queen of Rage" cover, that there is only one raging queen in that family.

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