Monday, August 29, 2011

This show is just too #$$@##$$$# crude.

I'm not a prude, but I must have a low tolerance for vulgarity. Notably, while I find Curb Your Enthusiasm very funny, I am turned off by the excessive swearing, especially from the black character Leon who only speaks in curses, epithets, and every women-debasing crudity from the f to the c words.Why does Larry David, a brilliant writer, find this so hilariously funny? And do most of the viewers? Also isn't it more than somewhat racist to make the black male character the most vulgar on the show? I don't get it. When I first started watching the show I was a bit bothered by the language. It didn't bother me that Suzie was so crude; that's her character. But I couldn't see why successful adults who, we assume, are well-educated peppered so much of their conversation with fuck and shit and every other popular swear. Is it just because it's on HBO where every show has excessive obscenities? Would Seinfeld have been as popular if Elaine, Jerry, George, and Kramer swore to the same degree as all the characters on Curb Your Enthusiasm? I know I wouldn't have watched it as often and as repeatedly. Hmmm. Maybe I am a prude.

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