Monday, March 14, 2011

What a huge mistake.

Give me a break. A man representing the whie house and supposedly an energy expert is now on the ABC news assuring us that the 104 nuclear power plants in Ameerica and even those in California on the San Andreas fault pose no danger. This despite the nightmare what we are unfolding in Japan. Japan's backup batteries, by the way, which didn't last long enough to keep pumping in the necessary water, have twice the life of our backup batteries. Nuclear power is incredibly dangerous if not suicidal and if you think otherwise you are very naive. Even if the plant operates safety it produces radioactivity that has to be buried somewhere for a thousand years. A thousand years! If any good comes out of the terrible tragedy, no multilple tragedies, in Japan it is that we realize there is no way on earth that we can safely have nuclear power. And our recent horrors have come from natural disasters. Imagine what could happen if terrorists targeted nuclear plants.

Note: I would like to know why the California plant in this photo has to be built on prime oceanfront property. Is it so the workers can have a lovely view at lunchtime or is there some safety consideration. Or was it just plain stupidity like building the plant in the first place?

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