Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The joy of negative thinking.

I love to criticize. What could be more fun than pointing out the flaws in a program, a philosphy, a particularly unlikeable person? What I don't like is being tagged as super-critical. I praise as much as I carp, but nobody seems to remember that. I can recall encouraging coworkers to see this movie or catch this play or TV event. They never did, of course, but when I mentioned a movie I didn't like, most of them chorused, "You don't like anything." I mention this because when I make criticisms on HuffPost, I am always surprised at the posters who are outraged and take any comments personally. They seem very eager to vilify me and it is obvious they can't deal with any difference of opinion. Most amusing is that they launch very nasty attacks without realizing that they themselves are being critical of me being critical of something dear to them, always with the attitude that criticism is bad. I suppose I could take a more positive approach to everything. But tell the truth, would you want to read a blog that's nothing but thumbs-up valentines? I sure as hell wouldn't.

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