Monday, June 1, 2015

They're out there, like rats.

The worst thing about technology is that it makes life easier for  every grifter and lowlife. Today I got a call, supposedly from the IRS saying that I was being sued and to call them immediately. Knowing it was a scam I dialed the number only to have the phone answered by a gruff, low-brow, scumball who would never work in a government office. I told him what a creep he was and he fired back (so like a government professional). The sad thing is that most educated people who appreciate that the IRS doesn't call you with threats or demand money over the phone. Thus the unsophisticated and naive can probably be easily ripped off by these telephone thugs. Also one would expect a central switchboard to relay your call, not some slob answering the phone. The number they gave by the way was 202-684-6530.

Note: I don't think anyone who reads my blog would be taken in by one of these scams. But I do hope you mention the danger to your elderly neighbors or anyone you think just might take one of these
calls seriously.

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