Monday, June 22, 2015

There's no way to stop it.

Imagine if almost every day of your life, you had to spend time in the company of persons with whom you shared nothing in common. You had to listen to them even though you found them boring and strident. And they were everywhere. In every store, restaurant, mall, doctor's office, sometimes on the street. You couldn't get away from them because they were everywhere you needed to be and in many cases they refused to be ignored. Since you couldn't silence them, you were forced to listen to every meaningless and mundane thing they said even when you were trying to concentrate on welcome conversations or the pleasure of a book. And what they said they constantly repeated. If you complained about them, many other people regarded you as a mal content. How could you not enjoy the company of these very popular people? This is how I feel in today's society that scores our entire lives with mediocre and repetitive songs sung by third rate singers blasting over  pitiless sound systems.
Amazing that Americans, who are normally so independent, surrender their will and  let someone else decide what kind of music they will listen to everywhere they go, even when they are footing the bill. Surely I cannot be the only person who finds this situation detestable. I'm apparently the only one who speaks up.

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