Monday, June 30, 2014

The downfall of two great actors.

Vicious is a new Britcom about dizzy queens for dizzy queens. I am shocked that two respected actors, Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen would appear in a show that is so polluted with cliches and stereotypes about homosexuals. It is the most vulgar of vaudevilles, a leering lascivious lunacy that will play right into the hands of every homophobic viewer who wants gay characters that he can laugh at and have the satisfaction of saying, "See they're all like that." I assume that both starring actors are themselves gay. I hope that their true personalities are nothing like these pathetic old cartoon characters. It's especially depressing to see Jacobi so demean himself when just an hour and half earlier he plays a wonderful and admirable character on Last Tango in Halifax. Oddly enough PBS aired another series a few years ago about two straight men living together, called The Old Guys. Pity they couldn't have had those talented writers script this tasteless show.

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