Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tsk.Tsk. Diane

I think Darrell Issa owes Diane Sawyer a dinner and maybe a Porsche. During her interview (read hatchet job) with Hillary Clinton she dragged up the long settled Benghazi issue in a stern and accusatory manner. But from what I could see there was nothing unbiased about Diane's same old-same old interview and one could only gain even more respect and admiration for Hillary for how well she dodged the missiles. Most comical is Sawyer questioning Clinton's readiness for the presidency considering her age, which is two years younger than Sawyer. Also a low blow was bringing up Lewinsky's name, more ancient and unnecessary history, which felt comfortable to Sawyer since she has a husband who would never cheat on her with another woman. Such petty questions as "Why did you lose?" the last bid for the presidency and "Are you holding the party hostage?" with your indecision seemed less like good interviewing and more like being a bitch. As Hillary constantly tries to point out America is facing many serious issues, but the Republicans and obviously Sawyer want to focus on such past issues as as Benghazi along with minutiae like Monica Lewinsky, how much money the Clintons have made, and Hillary's wardrobe. Hillary Clinton is the president that America needs desperately but that possibility may be sabotaged by the petty animosities of the GOP and such slanted interviews as this week's with Diane Sawyer.

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