Sunday, June 15, 2014

If only there were such a movie.

"Atheists are the most unwanted future relative, by far. Nearly half (49 percent) of Americans say they would be unhappy if a member of their immediate family picked an unbeliever for a spouse. A new Pew Research survey chiefly focused on political polarization also found Americans divided when someone in the family picks a nonbeliever to marry."
Frankly I am surprised that most people would like their family member to marry someone who is superstitious and believes in magical thinking. I also question this poll at a time when atheism is on the rise and is sure to be the newest admission to come out of American closets. At a time when science is so important to our lives and we are aware of how old the earth is and how vast is the universe, clinging to a god who was only around in recent milllennia and spent all his time with close to primitive people seems a little naive and silly.

Note: Obviously there is no such movie as I Married an Atheist though there should be. This apparently is a corruption of the poster for I Married a Communist. I'd still like to have a copy. 

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