Sunday, June 8, 2014

Out of the mouths of dwebes.

Randal Paul wants so much to be president. Yet every chance he gets he shows you how unfit he is for the job.This week, while still bitching about the release of Bowe Bergdahl, he commented first of all to President Obama, "Mr.President you love to trade people." Already an idiotic remark since Obama has not been a busy trader of people. Randal suggested that the next time there was a trade that Obama offer five Democrats like John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi. While the comment may have been the usual lame tongue-in-cheek for which Republicans are famous, one wonders why this supposed patriot would suggest trading truly valuable and loyal Americans. Would he like to see these national leaders held prisoner, abused, maybe tortured? Is that the way the mind of this person who wants to lead a nation thinks? In his sick partisanship does he not recognize the contributions that have been made to American by persons he suggests trading away? Or does he not think before he speaks, which is equally dangerous?

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