Friday, July 5, 2024


An odd question. But think about it. Who would your dog, or cat, other beloved pet favor for the Presidency?  They would want someone whom they could trust, who could care for them, not plunge them into an unfamiliar society. They would want an environment where you felt safe and happy, not worried about the whims of a mercurial and cruel autocrat. They would not want you struggling for the means to feed them and yourself.  They would want to sleep peacefully at night, not wake to a sudden raid or removal of a loving guardian. In short, they would want the kind of life they have now: calm and safe. So who would they vote for?  Not Trump who is never seen with any pet and is too selfish to part with any money or love on an animal's behalf. Like most cats and dogs, they become upset or fearful at persons of violent mood changes, constant angers, and threats. No, not Trump.  Biden, on the other hand loves animals. You will recall he moved into the White House with two German Shepherds, Major and Champ, sadly Champ died leaving the Biden's broken-hearted. It would seem your pet would vote for the leader you should, Joe Biden. If you pet could speak,and you asked him or her, "Don't you think Joe is a little old." they might reply, "He seems fine to me."

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