Wednesday, July 17, 2024


I am surprised that the six Republicans on the Supreme Court got away with treason so easily.  Long Dong Silver, the beer-drinking drunk, Holy Mary, pussy-whipped Alito, Wimpy Roberts, and Neil the Invisible have all betrayed the country they swore to defend and none has expressed an iota of shame. How willingly this sextet of lackies surrendered their integrity and defied their oaths to ignore the law and slalom before their master. These supposedly highly-educated jurors have proven they're just as ignorant and gullible as any of the illiterate farmers in their MAGA hats, just as willing to kiss Trump's ass as his mendacious sycophants in Milwaukee. I wonder if they appreciate that Trump makes his own laws which means, having done their part for Trump, they will be completely de trop in 2025.

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