Thursday, December 15, 2022


                             FAT CHANCE!
It was never easy to make a doctor's appointment. Now it is impossible. First of all your have to wait on a queue for them to answer the phone (15 to 20 minutes) all the time having to listen to god-awful repetitive music (if you can call it that). Then you are either told to leave a message or have to deal with an incompetent staff member who often speaks with a very thick accent who assures you the only appointment they have for your possibly terminal condition is 8 months away. To add to this your greedy physician who makes a fortune threatens you with a stiff cash penalty if you are late for the future appointment or don't show up at all. If you have a doctor who doesn't overbook who has a staff who answer the phone promptly and do their best to give you a reasonable appointment consider yourself fortunate to enjoy such a rare privilege while most of us in need of medical care are still on hold.