Saturday, May 18, 2024



It was bad enough when Americans realized that our lazy Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas, was married to an anti-democracy harridan who was probably influencing his recent anti-constitutional decisions. But now we have learned that our most racist Associate Justice, Samual Alito, is also married to a traitorous Trumpest who not only defended our would-be dictator from her anti-Trump neighbors, but flew our American flag upside down to show her contempt. It seems that Martha Alito took offense at a neighbor's printed criticism of Donald Trump and in a hissy-fit of defiance raised the upside down flag in front of their house. So much for an unbiased court, not that 74-year-old Sammy was ever unbiased or law-abiding since, like Thomas, he was also a freeloader. quick to dash off on any free vacation. Keep in mind this upside down flag was flown days after the insurrection at the Capitol making Alito no more a patriot than those destructive morons sitting in prison. Patriotic Americans have a lot of work to do. We have to get the poisonous Trump out of our lives, clean house at the crooked and mysogynistic Supreme Court, deal with spousal-whipped legislators, and stop ignoring the many assaults, large and small, on our country.

Friday, May 17, 2024


One of the best streaming services on radio is Sirius XM. And one of the best streaming services on Sirius XM is On Broadway. At least most of the time. But I am astounded at how many shows have been produced on Broadway that just plain suck. There was a time when most shows on The Great White Way promised a good story, wonderful lyrics, and memorable music. No more. So many shows are just rehashed movies or TV shows with mediocre lyrics and discordant music in songs that go on too long and are sceamed more than sung. In the past even good shows like On the Twentieth Century and The Boys from Syracuse had that rare horrid teeth-gritting song like "Veronique" and "Let Antipholus In" but most of the numbers were well worth the cost of admission. But most of the songs I hear on On Broadway are tuneless, tedious, and inconsequential. I can't imagine why anyone would pay $100 or more to see newly created second-rate shows that are nowhere near as entertaining as high school productions of Broadway classics like Damn Yankees, Guys and Dolls, or Pajama Game, I would love to list the shows in the past ten years that I think are absolute dreck and why. But I'd rather mention how thrilling Broadway used to be, like the matinee when  I saw the original production of Ragtime whose opening number was so brilliantly written and fantastically staged that it still plays in my mind twenty-six years later.


 I live in one of the dumbest states in the Union: Florida. Not only do we have a moronic prude of a governor who is constantly creating idiotic and repressive new laws,  but we have very dumb old laws. For instance peacocks are a protected species. Peacocks! They're not native to Florida. They have no actual value. They're incredibly loud. They steal our pets' food. They foul up our lawns and driveways. And they often jump onto cars leaving scratches from their very sharp and ugly claws. Yet they're protected. How stupid is that? On some days as many as 12 peacocks congregate on my lawn terrifying our outdoor cat while they eat his lunch.  So while our prig of a governor Ron DeSantis bans books that allude to the his most frightening subject, sex; passes laws that allow anyone to carry an unseen and unlicensed gun; and recently created new laws that curb all defense methods against global warming in our already-hotter-than-hell Hades;  he completely ignores the loud, excreting, car-scratching, food-stealing beggars of the why-in-God's-name-are they-protected peacocks.


I find it amazing that the national news suggests that Trump may win the votes of America's black men. Why is that even a possibility? With an autocrat and racist like Trump in office, African Americans will suffer more than anyone. He is a proven bigot. How can anyone forget his attack on the Central Park Five? Even when these teens were proven innocent, he still railed against them. His racist attacks against Obama were equally shameful. There are dozens of incidents-all on tape -that show Trump's contempt for blacks, latinos, anyone not white or at least orange like him. Black men have nothing to gain from Trump and everything to lose. The situation would be even direr for black women, his anti-abortion stand just the beginning. Surely these reports about Trump winning over black men are rumors. Why would men with a history of slavery endorse another dictator? They wouldn't. Not ever.

Thursday, May 16, 2024


If you're a Jewish woman who suffers from menopause symptoms, there's a new drug on the market that will help you, Since it's made by the greedy pigs at Bayer it costs $500 a month. But here's what you should do. Tell Bayer you want if for $10 a month in recognition of the fact that they provided the gas to the Nazi's that murdered your relatives in the last century. Tell them it's the least they can do to make up for their major role in the holocaust. Since a lot of people don't know how culpable Bayer is, insist you will spread the word if they don't honor your request.


Senator Rick Scott of Florida is and has always been a thief, who should be in prison not in Congress.  He has stolen millions in Social Security funds, which allows him to live a lavish lifestyle. He is also a compulsive liar and is running commercials falsely accusing President Biden of promoting socialism. Like all Republicans this evil, bald-headed criminal is out to support Trump's anti-democracy policies which will allow him to steal more millions of America's money. He's taken enough of your money. (His net worth is $132 million.) Don't let him take more. 

"Rick Scott is saying Democrats are committing Medicare robbery, when in fact he's the ultimate Medicare thief. He lost the right to accuse Democrats of raiding Medicare when he oversaw the largest Medicare fraud in the nation's history. Rick Scott's company stole money that should have gone to health care for seniors," said Florida Democratic Party spokesman Joshua Karp in the Feb. 25 press release.

Monday, May 13, 2024


 It seems to me that for most of my life blackmail was a crime. I recall seeing lots of movies where a blackmailer,when caught, was hauled away by the local police, or dispatched by the victim. Now it seems it is no longer a crime. After all Dino Sajudin, the Trump Tower doorman who falsely claimed Donald Trump had an affair with his former housekeeper that resulted in a secret love child, walked away with $30,000. No arrest. N0 jail time. I'm surprised that Donald even admits he was swindled by an insignificant servant. I call that stupid. Unless, of course, it is true and they're still covering it up. Still it's blackmail and it should be punished. If it is true that so-called Love Child is in for a hell of a payoff when his mother finally tells him about daddums. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024


Did you know that Donald Trump has offered to sell America out for one billion dollars?  He has told the oil industry that he will kill all non-drilling laws and stop all electric car manufacturing if he is elected if they give him a billion dollars to fund his campaign. Does anyone really need more proof of his villainy than this? With our precious planet already in grave danger, Trump's insanity would wreak the final destruction. Trump couldn't care less since he's already close to his expiration date. So this is further proof that he doesn't care about anyone but himself, not his loyalists, not even his children.  Would the greedy oil industry meet his demands? Probably. They seem to be motivated as he is by money. With so many acts that define the madness and sadism of Donald Trump only a suicidal society would ever vote him in for another vengeful and  catastrophic term.

Friday, May 10, 2024



I wouldn't dream of suggesting that Donald Trump's children are not actually his, but let's be realistic. Donald Jr. looks nothing like him and could easily be the offspring of one of Ivana's Italian boyfriends. Then Eric looks nothing like his supposed brother Jr. and is probably the issue of a Swede Ivana slept with for spite after Donald beat and raped her. Ivanka is another mystery Since she's had so much work done we can't tell what she would have looked like if it was left to nature. And maybe Donald is hot for her because he knows she's no relation. And Barron is the latest mystery. He's far taller than Trump and no more a recipient of paternal affection than the other love-starved sons. Tiffany could be Donnie's, but it's doubtful. I wonder if all his children know  they are of suspicious origin and have ever had a DNA test. I doubt it. Better to have a ruthless liar of a millionaire father than some fly-by-night ex gigolo. Besides, not trusting Mama would explain why they didn't fight tooth and nail to keep their status-conscious mother out of her solitary weed-grown golf course  grave. 


Today someone on MSNBC suggested that we should feel sympathy for Trump because he worried that Melania would find out about his sexual fling with Stormy Daniels. Huh?  Was this supposed to suggest that he had human emotions? If he worried about Melania finding out why cheat on Melania in the first place? Also are we supposed to believe that Melania is anything but a heartless  gold-digger who married this fat fuck because he was rich and could provide a U.S. home for her aging parents? Surely she was thrilled that some other unlucky bimbo had to sleep with this mound of flesh and incontinence.  It seems to me that Melania has kept herself and her beanpole son as far away from Trump as possible. She is one of the few people who has successfully played Trump for a sucker.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Today. I figured it was time to clean the refrigerator, a loathsome but necessary task. I assumed it would be easier and more efficient to clean the vegetable bins if I took them out in the yard and hosed  them off,  Unfortunately that was not possible. While the hose was.still there someone had stolen the nozzle , an essential tool to the project at hand. The last theft we had was surprisingly a new power hose which cost me about $50.00. It truly amazes me that there are some people so low on the human scale they will trespass on a neighbors property to steal a garden hose nozzle. Since I don't claim to be a Christian, I can happily wish any  number of tragedies to happen to this thief and if any one of them did occur, I would be delighted. Hmm. The Chinese Water Torture seems  particularly appropriate.


I don't get it.You would assume that you have to be reasonably intelligent to be hired by a TV network. Yet at least 50% of on-camera persons cannot pronounce "antisemitic" and most have difficulty with the word "didn't". Is diction a thing of the past?

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


Interesting that Donald Trump, the epitome of verisimilitude, denies that he ever had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Hmm. Then why did he give her $130,000? Was it just another example of the generosity he's famous for, and have nothing to do with the fact that she's sexy and gorgeous? 

Monday, May 6, 2024


One of the best things about Trump is his monumental stupidity.  He tells you everything that's wrong with him by complaining about someone else. For instance this weekend he accused Biden of Nazism. Translation:Trump is a Nazi. It's a simple little system. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024


 Why is the already boring FIRST RESPONSE commercial played hundreds of times a day? It's become sheer torture to see it again and again. I would think viewers would develop a hatred for this product rather than be willing to buy it. Networks have got to stop deluging consumers with thousands of tedious commercials, especially considering that we pay monthly charges for TV,

Saturday, May 4, 2024


(Another person offered me

a seat on the bus today.)

Please don’t offer me a seat

Although your gesture's grand,

And I'm sure you're kind and sweet

I’d really rather stand.

Although I'm only 81

I have often wondered

Why well-meaning folks like you

Make me feel a hundred.


Friday, May 3, 2024


Donald Trump is a pig. Hope Hicks is a babe. Are we supposed to believe that during their close working arrangement, he never made a vulgar proposal, never suggested they could mean more to each other. Never complimented her in his uniquelyvulgar way. Give me a break!


How did this happen? The most evil man in America is playing us all for fools. He demand our attention, is spending our money, treats all of us like lackeys, tells us constant lies, yet nobody calls him a liar to his face. Why do we put up with it? He's not young, not attractive, not literate, no even smart. He's fat, has fish eyes, and seems to wear the same clothes every day. He stole our presidency, ran a crooked college, cheated on all his wives, stiffed hundreds of hard-working tradesmen, and pretends to be religious. As a businessman he sucks, as a husband he's a failure. as a human being he's worthless. Yet there he is, every day in court, whining,  glowering, complaining, leaving most of us with the same satisfying thought which we are not allowed to express, mores the pity.

Thursday, May 2, 2024


I know women are annoyed about all these arrogant Republican males banning abortion without any medical education. Frankly I am surprised women aren't homicidal. After all if these misogynists can doom a pregnant woman to death, isn't turnaround fair play. I''m not even female, but Florida Senator Mike Beltran's smug doughy face makes me furious. Who the hell is this schmuck to decide the future of any woman? In the coming election, I hope women destroy the GOP for their sadistic cruelty and pathetic chauvinism. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


 At 81 years old, I can't think of anything stupider than anti-Semitism. Talk about biting off your nose to spite your face. No group of people in history has done more for the world than Jews. They are the most notable contributors in Enterainment, Law, Science, Medicine, Travel, Industry, Literature, every field. Am I Jewish? No. But I'm smart enough to realize how much richer my life is from the contributions of Jews since the day I was born. And that's true of your life, too.