Friday, May 3, 2024


How did this happen? The most evil man in America is playing us all for fools. He demand our attention, is spending our money, treats all of us like lackeys, tells us constant lies, yet nobody calls him a liar to his face. Why do we put up with it? He's not young, not attractive, not literate, no even smart. He's fat, has fish eyes, and seems to wear the same clothes every day. He stole our presidency, ran a crooked college, cheated on all his wives, stiffed hundreds of hard-working tradesmen, and pretends to be religious. As a businessman he sucks, as a husband he's a failure. as a human being he's worthless. Yet there he is, every day in court, whining,  glowering, complaining, leaving most of us with the same satisfying thought which we are not allowed to express, mores the pity.

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