Thursday, May 30, 2024


Over the decades, Washington D.C. has been the site of many great marches, including the Women's Suffrage Procession in 1913,  the Solidarity Day March in 1981, and the incredible Million Man March on October 16, 1995. I have a suggestion for a march that will not only remind the country of how devious Donald Trump is, but assure his defeat in November and the continuance of our democracy. It's the  "I've Been Cheated by Trump March". This event would bring to Washington a peaceful protest of all the workers, clients, contractors, carpenters, plumbers, gardeners etc. who have been screwed out of money by the super-stingy and always corrupt Trump. Each victim would carry a placard proclaiming their abuse (see samples below).This would give an opportunity for all those he mistreated over the years to expose him for his thievery, dishonesty, contract violations, bullying and lies. It would also be a fun time to share stories of deceit and treachery while getting a little public revenge.

Samples of likely and legitimate claims: With company or state logos.

Trump owes me $1,500.

He fired me without giving me my back pay.

He lied about our potential profits.

He drove my father to suicide.

He bankrupted our small business.

He still owes our state $24,000 for his rally.

He never paid back my $10,000 loan

He walked away from our contract.

He never paid the $50, 000 for our hotel fixtures.

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