Sunday, May 19, 2024


You may have been amused to see Trump's "delegation" from Congress interrupting this Hush Money trial and hoping to give their favorite criminal and rapist support by disrupting this serious legal event. Or you might have been offended that these supposedly religious,  arrogant traitors were so eager to support an evil autocrat who has already been convicted of rape. They obviously have no moral code to guide them, and are only motivated by their own ambitions and greed. And another failing they share that you should be aware of from all these turncoats from prissy Speaker of the House Johnson to overgrown bully boy Gaetz is they didn't pay for their disruptive trip themselves, you did, with your constantly ill-used taxes.  Even when they come up with a unpatriotic and nasty plan, they are not honest enough to pay for it themselves. Do you really want to reelect these feckless freeloading creeps for another term?

Keep in mind the twerp in the center of the first row is so afraid of whacking off to porno, he has his son monitor his computer to prevent him from such a terrifying action. That's the kind of nut running our country. What makes it worse is that anything he doesn't allow himself out of his prudery, would like to make unavailable to you. Let's prevent that kind of autocracy - vote Blue.

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