Friday, May 31, 2024


Despite being indicted on 34 counts, His Royal Whineness, still has the admiration and support of all his cult members in Congress. Why? Why do they so love him and what have they got to gain? Most of them were born and raised in the United States, a country that gave them every opportunity to achieve what they have achieved. So why are they betraying that country and so blatantly supporting its nastiest critic? What have they got to gain? More money? More power? Certainly not more freedom or more happiness for their families nor more security for their aging parents. Not more respect for the law or equality. So what's their end game?  Are they, like Trump, only interested in their own ambitions and needs? Are they so blind with loyalty they can't see the dangers ahead, the standard horrors that come with dictatorship? Are they so ungrateful to a nourishing nation they can hiss at its kindness like a feral cat? Or is it possible that Trump, like J. Edgar Hoover, has amassed details of their lives they would rather stand by him than have those details revealed? What is the reason?  What are they thinking? Who have they become? And when Trump loses the election or his mind, whichever comes first, will they try to blend back into the fabric of our nation and pretend they never tried to sell us out our country and our Constitution to this hate-filled autocrat? 

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