Saturday, May 11, 2024


Did you know that Donald Trump has offered to sell America out for one billion dollars?  He has told the oil industry that he will kill all non-drilling laws and stop all electric car manufacturing if he is elected if they give him a billion dollars to fund his campaign. Does anyone really need more proof of his villainy than this? With our precious planet already in grave danger, Trump's insanity would wreak the final destruction. Trump couldn't care less since he's already close to his expiration date. So this is further proof that he doesn't care about anyone but himself, not his loyalists, not even his children.  Would the greedy oil industry meet his demands? Probably. They seem to be motivated as he is by money. With so many acts that define the madness and sadism of Donald Trump only a suicidal society would ever vote him in for another vengeful and  catastrophic term.

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