Friday, May 17, 2024


 I live in one of the dumbest states in the Union: Florida. Not only do we have a moronic prude of a governor who is constantly creating idiotic and repressive new laws,  but we have very dumb old laws. For instance peacocks are a protected species. Peacocks! They're not native to Florida. They have no actual value. They're incredibly loud. They steal our pets' food. They foul up our lawns and driveways. And they often jump onto cars leaving scratches from their very sharp and ugly claws. Yet they're protected. How stupid is that? On some days as many as 12 peacocks congregate on my lawn terrifying our outdoor cat while they eat his lunch.  So while our prig of a governor Ron DeSantis bans books that allude to the his most frightening subject, sex; passes laws that allow anyone to carry an unseen and unlicensed gun; and recently created new laws that curb all defense methods against global warming in our already-hotter-than-hell Hades;  he completely ignores the loud, excreting, car-scratching, food-stealing beggars of the why-in-God's-name-are they-protected peacocks.

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