Thursday, May 30, 2024


In 1994  O. J. Simpson went on trial for the cold-blooded murders of Nicole Brown and Ronald Goldman. When the trail ended in 1995. it was obvious that he was guilty of these vicious homicides. Despite that the jury set him free.

In 2012 George Zimmerman went on trial for the cold-blooded murder of teen-ager Trayvon Martin. When the trial ended in 2113 it was obvious that Zimmerman, an arrogant thug, was guilty of murdering this young and innocent boy. Despite that the jury found him innocent.

In 2021 Kyle Rittenhouse went on trial for the killing-is-fun shooting of two men in Kenosha. Wisconsin.  These evil murders were sanctioned by media celebrity, Tucker Carlson. While it was obvious that Rittenhouse was guilty of these senseless homicides, the jury voted for acquittal.

Now deeply evil and clearly guilty Donald Trump's fate is in the hands of a jury for his hush money trial. Will they, like these other juries, ignore his obvious guilt and allow one idiot or more more to vote for acquittal, deny justice, and once again prove that Trump is above the law?

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