Friday, May 17, 2024


I find it amazing that the national news suggests that Trump may win the votes of America's black men. Why is that even a possibility? With an autocrat and racist like Trump in office, African Americans will suffer more than anyone. He is a proven bigot. How can anyone forget his attack on the Central Park Five? Even when these teens were proven innocent, he still railed against them. His racist attacks against Obama were equally shameful. There are dozens of incidents-all on tape -that show Trump's contempt for blacks, latinos, anyone not white or at least orange like him. Black men have nothing to gain from Trump and everything to lose. The situation would be even direr for black women, his anti-abortion stand just the beginning. Surely these reports about Trump winning over black men are rumors. Why would men with a history of slavery endorse another dictator? They wouldn't. Not ever.

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