Thursday, May 23, 2024


Nikki Haley is very good at lying.  She's excellent at two-facing an issue. She's a very good insulter as she proved by vilifying Donald Trump. And a very good hypocrite as she proved by recanting most of her insults. She's a whiz at betraying her supporters as she has shown by spitting in the face of all those who supported her in her failed campaign.  What she cannot do is explain in any way why Joe Biden is a catastrophe. That's just a nasty, bitchy comment she made to make Donald's enormous butt feel a little more bussed. President Joe Biden is in no way a catastrophe. He has increased wages, lowered unemployment, and been a champion for students and the working class.  His State of the Union speech was masterful. And his long history in politics have proven him a devoted patriot.  In her recent reversal to vote for Trump and his promised reich she proved what we knew all along but lost sight of during her brief and mendacious campaign: Nikki Haley is a worthless and opportunistic shrew who, like Trump himself, only cares about what's best for her, and certainly not what's best for America.

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