Friday, May 10, 2024


Today someone on MSNBC suggested that we should feel sympathy for Trump because he worried that Melania would find out about his sexual fling with Stormy Daniels. Huh?  Was this supposed to suggest that he had human emotions? If he worried about Melania finding out why cheat on Melania in the first place? Also are we supposed to believe that Melania is anything but a heartless  gold-digger who married this fat fuck because he was rich and could provide a U.S. home for her aging parents? Surely she was thrilled that some other unlucky bimbo had to sleep with this mound of flesh and incontinence.  It seems to me that Melania has kept herself and her beanpole son as far away from Trump as possible. She is one of the few people who has successfully played Trump for a sucker.

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