Sunday, May 19, 2024


October 23, 1991, was a sad day for America. That was the date that Clarence Thomas was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice by a narrow vote of 52 to 48 following a successful series of lies about his treatment of Anita Hill. He denied his sexual harassment of Anita Hill, his sexual allusions, his disgusting behavior. He tried to portray himself as an upright American citizen, a true patriot - a false portrait that has been proven absurd by his freeloading from wealthy friends and his marriage to his anti-democracy harridan of a wife who is too worthless to be named here. Should he have been appointed to the Supreme Court? No. Did he perform all the disgusting acts that of which Anita Hill truthfully accused him?  Yes, yes, he did.
Another sad day for America was October 6, 2018 when Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in to the Supreme Court with a vote o 50-48.  Like Thomas, Kavanaugh, he also had a public hearing. In it, he was accused by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford of a sexual assault that occurred in 1982 when they were still in high school. Not surprisingly misogynistic Republicans supported his nomination, despite subsequent evidence that he was a predator and a lush. Should he have been appointed to the Supreme Court?  No. Did he sexually assault defenseless high school student Christine Ford in 1982? Yes, or course he did.

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