Saturday, July 20, 2024


Just when I was feeling overwhelmed by the current lack of patriotism among the Republican Party and disgusted by the fealty of the same to Trump, an obvious fraud, liar, criminal and rapist, I received an encouraging arrival. It was the July 22 copy of The New Yorker. Now while all their covers are brilliant, this one was especially trenchant: titled The Face of Justice it is an accurate illustration of the nine members of The  Supreme Court. While all three oath-honoring female justices were portrayed as themselves, the others were represented by six somber-faced Donald Trumps. What better way to remind the American public of what shameful acts these six treasonous justices were guilty of in their unconstitutional effort to support this would-be dictator? While all my other New Yorker magazines are in a neat pile on a bookcase, this cover is framed and above my mantel, where it will remain until these turncoats have lost their power of betrayal.

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