Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 The news this morning focused on Pennsylvania where Trump is planning a rally, mostly in a black and Hispanic community. The report suggested that many residents are still unsure of whom they will vote for, which is insanity. One black woman says she switched from Biden to Trump because of higher prices and actually volunteers in a Trump center. Does this women know anything about 2025? Has she heard any of Trump's racial rants? Her working for Trump is like volunteering to help build the gallows where one will be hanged. If he gets into power, higher prices will be the last thing she'll worry about. Who are these other uncertain voters who can't decide whether to drink  citrus juice or cyanide? The very idea that the news presents these indecisive situations as normal is sickening. Even MSNBC is happy to send America down the garden path if it means increased ratings. They don't seem to understand that if Trump is president, they will be out of jobs. Has everyone gone mad? This isn't a normal race.It shouldn't be a race at all. Trump is a maniac. Why is he being treated like a normal human being? Especially by blacks and Hispanics, the persons he most wants out of his life, out of his range of vision, and out of "his" country.

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