Friday, July 5, 2024


This conservative creep is Kevin Roberts, the head of the Heritage Foundation. He's in league with Donald Trump to foment a new American Revolution (as if we need one). He says in a recent speech,"'this new regime will be bloodless, if we allow to be". What does that mean? Well in Nazi Germany, many slaughters were bloodless. The Jews, gypsies, gays and others were herded into hot and crowded trains. No blood. When they arrived at the concentration camps they were sorted, separating those would work and those who would die. No blood. Those who would die were sent to gas chambers and told they were showers. They all died, men, woman, children, even infants. Bloodless. Is that what Kevin Roberts is promising Americans in the new revolution? Today we are free, we are not controlled or abused by government, we have free speech, we have laws, we have medical coverage, we can go anywhere in our great country without papers of permission. Why would you surrender your freedom to a group of arrogant megalomaniacs who want to rule and bind you and worse claim you are already in their so-called bloodless pockets. 

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