Monday, July 15, 2024


How odd that this unfortunate assassination attempt has given Trump just what he wanted, not counting a minor nick on the ear, of course. He is once again in the only place he ever wants to be: the public eye, the center of attention, the main news story. And how convenient that it happened just before the Republican National Convention. To make his glee even greater, his adoring groupie, judge Cannon, has dismissed his stolen documents case as we always knew she would. Once again the news media, even the liberals are referring to him with a sense or respect, totally ignoring the ticking 2025 time bomb he is so eager to ignite if enough brainwashed Americans are convinced that a dictatorship beats a democracy, tiny hands down. Hmm. Maybe instead of shooting that 20-year-old would be assassin, we should have given him a medal.

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