Saturday, July 20, 2024


Being a life-long Democrat and despising Donald Trump I was amused at an e-mail I received this morning. from J.D. Vance telling me that Donald Trump told him he should speak to me first since being selected as his Vice Presidential nominee. In it he asked for a 5-minute interview. He went to write"When I am sworn in as the 50th Vice President I'll look back on my interview with you (little ole me?) as the defining moment in our campaign to Make America Great Again. (Golly, this is flattering!) The Vance bullshit continues. "My busy schedule allows me to speak directly to a small group of our most patriotic Trump Repuublicans (not me) and YOUR NAME was at the very top of that list." (Imagine that, a rabid, Trump-hating Republican at the tippy top of the list.)  His last comment before I was to begin my interview was, "I'd be honored if my first official act as the Vice Presidential candidate could be speaking with you." The fact that this insipid e-mail went to a massive mailing list of gullible Republican and skeptical Democrats like me shows how  pitiful the GOP campaign is. Would any recipient of this e-mail believe this bullshit for a second and do the interview?   It reeks of the insincerity and deceit one expects from the Trump campaign. Even more interesting it smells of the ruthless ambition of J.D. Vance who is convinced he will be the V.P and has plans to move up to President by means Trump should worry about. 

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