Monday, July 8, 2024


For some masochistic reason, I always watch the evening network news, the 6:30 horror show which is almost 50% commercials,  (many of them repeated as soon as they are shown). Every night one can expect the usual catastrophes: tornados, floods, landslides, record heat. When you are not seeing a mindless Liberty commercial you've seen a million times, you can gasp as a lovely Midwest towns obliterated by a monstrous middle of the night tornado, which usually kills three residents but not that old lady with her overweight dog who survived the storm in a bathtub. While it is obvious that global warming is getting worse, the networks never use that terminology. Do they think we haven't noticed that temperatures of 118 degrees are unusual?  Or that we didn't used to have 80 twisters in one day? Although I shouldn't be surprised that they don't come right out and say GLOBAL WARMING or CLIMATE CHANGE.  After all they devote most of their political coverage to Donald Trump and never use the words NUTCASE, INSANE, UNHINGED, DANGEROUS , or just plain BONKERS.

In searching for this ID for the three leading networks, I was surprised to see most logos also listed FOX news. Since when did lies and conspiracy get to be classified as news?

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