Saturday, July 27, 2024


Have you ever met a Christian who constantly lies? Who never goes to church? Who can't quote a single Biblical passage? Who has been married three times and cheated on all his wives? Who was close friends with a pedophile? Who is a convicted felon on 34 counts? Who created a scam college? Who betrayed his country to ally with the world's most powerful dictator and atheist? Who lied to get out of serving his country? Who buried the mother of three of his children on a golf course to make a profit? Who expressed sexual desire for his daughter? Who had more than one mistress? Who put young children in cages and separated them from their parents? Who cheated hundreds of tradesmen? Who has no love, regard, or respect for anyone but himself? Yes, you have. That describes Donald Trump, the satanic nominee for president who as I write this has been on television falsely claiming he is a Christian and pleading with actual Christians to vote for him, promising they will never have to vote again. Why? Because, if elected, he will be as much a tyrannical authoritarian as Herod Antipas, King Ramses II, or any other of the cruel rulers in the Bible that Trump never heard of because he is not a Christian and never was.

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