Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 Blue is the one word you should live by this voting season. Blue will keep you safe, keep your country intact, let us remain a democracy. The more Democrats you elect the better off you will be. The  Red Republicans have already proven they are obstructionists, liars, Trumpists, anti-law and pro-wealthy. They have no interest in protecting our nation, our people. For some bizarre, cultist reason they think Trump will be good for them. Trump is not good for anyone. Defeat him. Vote blue. Watch all his GOP minions fall like dominos, while our country recovers from all the toxins of the past years. Vote blue. Rid us treasonous shrews like Marjorie Taylor Greene. Defeat obscenities like Lauren Boebert. Trash turncoats like  Speaker of the House and Trump devotee, Mike Johnson. Replace all the recalcitrant Republicans you have seen spit on our Constitution. Vote blue. Despite what Trump says, America is great. You can make it greater. Vote blue.

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