Wednesday, July 10, 2024


If Donald Trump is elected and shreds our flag and democracy, the TV media, both liberal and conservative, can congratulate themselves on a job well done.  It seems that every network, without exception, is hounding Joe Biden over a 90-minute blunder, and ignoring Donald Trump's  90 minutes of lies. That was weeks ago and the news is still yapping and whining and discussing and assuming non-stop about what Biden should do while a criminal, rapist, fraud and dangerous sociopath named Trump is being treated like a normal person. Even worse they prognosticate that Trump could win. What an insane prediction and how insulting to our nation to suggest that more Americans would choose to be dominated by an unhinged autocrat than governed by an honest man no matter how dotty. Do people really think the president makes every decision alone. Even if Biden failed midstream, there are dozens who can carry on and fulfill his vision.  I used to admire the TV media. I saw them as highly educated, extremely articulate, intensely reasonable professionals. No longer. These days even the liberals are like petulant children. And the conservatives? What can I say? Traitors,

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