Wednesday, July 17, 2024


If you're watching the Republican Convention, what are you seeing? You think you're watching hordes of people out to "Make America Great Again" but you're wrong. You're seeing a brainwashed mob of ex-Reublicans (since there is no Republican Party) out to make Trump powerful again. This crowd maintains that the Trump presidency was great, which it wasn't; that he improved the country, which he didn't; and that he should be handed the reins of power, which he shouldn't. You're seeing speeches full of lies by well-dressed articulate frauds who are actually harridans, sycophants, bimbos and parasites who have no idea they are riding on a highway of lies, rushing headlong into an  autocracy which will  have no need for them, especially if they are female. You're seeing a wicked old man ruling a realm of religious nuts so full of anger and resentment they are willing to suffer themselves if it means getting revenge on all the persons whom they believe have done them wrong. What you're seeing is an illusion: a flag-festooned panoply that hides a dystopian society more evil than any dynasty. Keep watching, but from now on open your eyes.

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